Available Resources
American Culture Exchange (ACE) Resources
American Culture Exchange aims to enrich a Visiting Scholars understanding of American traditions, holidays and even cultural trends. The curriculum is about 6 weeks long with a committment to meet every week at your local campus or coffee shop.
Recommended group size: 5-30 people.
Course 101 in different languages
English Conversation Cafe Cards
Gospel Seminars
Apologetics Presentations
Perspective Cards
Course 101 is a 7-week course made by Gracepoint Ministries on the intellectual foundations of Christianity and a space for conversation about life, faith, the Bible, and God.
Available in English, Spanish, Korean, Chinese (Traditional & Simplified), Vietnamese, Japanese & Tagalog
Recommended group size: 1-3 people.
A tool to start a conversation about “worldview” and also an opportunity to share our belief and value systems with one another. These cards can ignite a curiosity to understand why we see the world the way we do.
Gospel Seminars is a one-day event where we present the entire gospel message three three different presentations: 1. Who am I? 2. Who is God? and 3. Who is Jesus?
Recommended group size: 5-100 people.
Cultural Curriculum
Gospel Curriculum
Use these conversation cards in a formal (such as a tutoring session) or casual setting to explore each others cultural backgrounds, values, and beliefs.
Recommended group size: 2-5 people.
A picture can speak a thousand words. And so, with Soularium, our friends can express how their day or week went by selecting a photo from a display of topical photos. Get creative and take a photo from your selection and ask if anyone can relate and have them share their story.
Group size: 2-10 people.
Recommended group size: 1-2 people.